Post-Science Institute logo David Hume (Modeled by Jumpulse Ching) vs. Hugh Ching (Modeled by Infinite Ching) Complete Automation Laboratory logo

"A living system with the capability of self-creation is the ultimate scheme of perpetual improvement." Post-Science

Artificial intelligence is a forerunner of self-creation.

[2015 Update] Post-science subscribe to the Multiplicity Theory of Theory. Vedia Bulent Corak, Carl Sagan, Francis Crick, Michael N. Mautner, etc. hold the alternative view that UFO will bring us all the knowledge needed to achieve world peace, social harmony, and individual happiness.

Overview: The Degree of Realism of Life

Post-science view of the origin of life is that life starts with random chance in the transient state and developed into a steady state of self-creation with intelligent design. The transient state should be studied with Boltzmann Probability Distribution, and self-creation is life science, which involves 500 variables and would be difficult for the 5-variable intelligence of the Age of Science to understand. The origin of life is difficult to describe.

Post-science description of the origin of life involves the Degree of Realism of Life. The world is full of illusions. The purpose of knowledge is to find the degree of realism of these illusions so that correct prediction can be made. The First Degree of Realism of Life is the daily lives of sleeping and awakening everyone continually doing for an average of 70 to 80 years of lifespan. The Second Degree of Realism of Life is cloning, where the DNA will live on. The Third Degree of Realism of Life is having children, hoping that the DNA will continue partially. The Fourth Degree of Realism of Life is panpermia, where creators of life or the programmers of DNA hope that their DNA will one day evolve on another habitable plant to continue their lives and DNAs. This is the most likely scenario for the living system on earth.

Post-Science Permanent Life


1. Influence List
2. Perfect Planning
3. The Design Argument Of David Hume
4. Self-Creation
5. Permanent Life Extension
6. Permanent Existence
7. The Logic and Illusion of Life
8. Freedom vs. Constraints
9. Earth Is A DNA Farm
10. The Concept of God
11. The Next 2000 Years
12. Post-Science Institute

1. Influence List

Everyone should have, in addition to the Resume and Paper List, an Influence List.

Influence List of Hugh Ching (Adjustment Bureau)

2. Perfect Planning

Self-Creation is completely planned according to the plan of the creators.
Post-Science Institute is just an Adjustment Bureau
to keep the world from straying too far from the correct knowledge.
"Science Fiction leads Science." Hollywood

Knowledge (Post-Science Institute)

3. The Design Argument Of David Hume
Self-Creation Of Post-Science

The following Design Argument of Prof. David Hume (against) is provided by Wikipedia on David Hume and of Post-Science is provided by Dr. Hugh Ching (for) (They are modeled by Jumpulse Ching and Infinite Ching at the top) [Edited by Prof. Chien Yi Lee].

The Design Argument

One of the oldest and most popular arguments for the existence of God is the design argument - that all the order and 'purpose' in the world bespeaks a divine origin. A modern manifestation of this belief is creationism. Hume gave the classic criticism of the design argument in Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and though the issue is far from dead in modern debate, many are convinced that Hume killed the argument for good. Here are some of his points:

Post-Science View of Self-Creation
(Illustrated at the top)

In the eyes of our creators, we are but babies, arguing about "Where do we come from?" The answer is simple. We come from our parents, who are just like ourselves. But, we are now orphans.

Hume: (1) For the design argument to be feasible, it must be true that order and purpose are observed only when they result from design. But order is observed regularly, resulting from presumably mindless processes like snowflake or crystal generation. Design accounts for only a tiny part of our experience with order and 'purpose'.
Post-Science: (1) From the post-science discovery of the solution of completely automated software, post-science expects that in one or two thousand years mankind will start to think about creating itself based on a completely automated software. In the process of self-creation, we have to have a design and must decide the purpose of our creation, as whoever created us must have done. However, the problem of completely automated software involves around five hundred, or virtually an unlimited number of, variables, and is about two orders of magnitude more complex than an average problem in science, which has roughly five variables. Post-science, in its reexamination of the existing creation, finds that the current creation has almost at an optimal design, from which post-science finds little which can be surpassed and, thus, conclude that we most likely are also created. In particular, post-science realizes that evil is created as a survival mechanism for the weak to compete against strong, and pain and suffering are designed as warning devises and a way for mankind to learn lessons on non-violable laws of nature in the absence of its creators.

Hume: (2) Furthermore, the design argument is based on an incomplete analogy: because of our experience with objects, we can recognise human-designed ones, comparing for example a pile of stones and a brick wall. But in order to point to a designed Universe, we would need to have an experience of a range of different universes. As we only experience one, the analogy cannot be applied.
Post-Science: (2) With the permanent creations based on the completely automated software, we will have two types of permanent entities, ours is primitive and the existing seems to be optimal. One example is the solution to touch. Touch is still not even recognized as a problem, but post-science and our creators have it solved. Here, if the solution is correct, is an order of the creation yet undetected, by the people who try to refute creation.

Hume: (3) Even if the design argument is completely successful, it could not (in and of itself) establish a robust theism; one could easily reach the conclusion that the universe's configuration is the result of some morally ambiguous, possibly unintelligent agent or agents whose method bears only a remote similarity to human design.
Post-Science: (3) Post-science believes that the origin of life starts from unintelligent raw materials. To advance from raw materials to anything intelligent takes almost infinite amount of time, which the universe has. This transient stage of the development of intelligence is based on random chance and is very disorderly. And, mankind would be very unfortunate, if we are still in this transient stage. Post-science believes that our living system is currently in a steady state of self-creation. Post-science would welcome any design which can surpass the existing design of life. However, post-science admits that art, particularly, beauty is still lacking in the creation, but, on the other hand, it realizes that love holds a dominant position in the universe and that our creators rather create those they have loved rather than those who are most beautiful.

Hume: (4) If a well-ordered natural world requires a special designer, then God's mind (being so well-ordered) also requires a special designer. And then this designer would likewise need a designer, and so on ad infinitum. We could respond by resting content with an inexplicably self-ordered divine mind; but then why not rest content with an inexplicably self-ordered natural world?
Post-Science: (4) Self-creation needs not worry about prior creators. However, self-creation might go on ad infinitum only forward, but not backward in time. Before self-creation is the transient stage of creation. Maybe the next stage of the progress of development of the living system, or the intelligence of the universe, will be the "inexplicably self-ordered natural world" as well as the "divine mind." Sure, post-science would not rule out the possibility of progress, for example, shortening the period of irrationality and suffering from 10,000 years of recorded history, when mankind is conscious of its own suffering, to, say, 1,000 years and making our natural life span longer to or infinity, but the later is in conflict with the former; imagine what can happen if Stalin and Mao had lived forever.

Hume: (5) Often, what appears to be purpose, where it looks like object X has feature F in order to secure some outcome O, is better explained by a filtering process: that is, object X wouldn't be around did it not possess feature F, and outcome O is only interesting to us as a human projection of goals onto nature. This mechanical explanation of teleology anticipated natural selection. (see also Anthropic principle)
Post-Science: (5) Self-creation's purpose is for the future, not the past. With only a few thousands of years of recorded history, post-science is starting to speculate on self-creation. This shortness of the recorded history makes leaving any sign of self-creation unnecessary. Self-creation will include evolution, natural and artificial, as a design specification in anticipation of uncertainty the design.

But, before we get too ambitious with our design plan we should understand the existing situation. Sure, post-science would not rule out the possibility of progress, for example, shortening the period of irrationality and suffering from 10,000 years of recorded history, when mankind is conscious of its own suffering, to, say, 1,000 years and making our natural life span longer to or infinity, but the later is in conflict with the former; imagine what can happen if Stalin and Mao had lived forever. We can also include paranormal phenomena into out design, but, if self-creation is correct, sometime in the distant past, pain must have been considered a paranormal phenomena before pain was discovered. The first creator to propose the creation of pain must be one of the most ridiculed being in the universe! Today, if I propose to program a computer so that it can feel pain, my proposal will equally be rejected, but the existence pain is already proven.

4. Self-Creation

Mankind on earth, if not annihilated by its own weapons of mass destruction or a giant meteorite, can expect to survive another millions or even billions of years. Even with the current about 5 thousand years of recorded history, mankind has already acquired a vision of self-creation.

Post-science speculates that mankind will advance from the current Age of Science, which has taken 500 years to mature, to the coming Age of Social Science in 500 years, when society will become rational, and will advance further to the Age of Life Science in the year 3000, Age of Robotics by 3500, and the Age of Self-Creation, with the recognition that humans are the ultimate robots, in around 4000.

The self-creation of the living system should be the goal of our existence, for what we have self-created will be able to do anything we can do. In the process of self-creation, we will know from our own design specifications, the meaning of our lives and the purpose of our existence.

An immediate corollary to the hypothesis of self-creation is that the current version of mankind is also self-created by a past version. Such a conclusion does not contradict all the empirical findings relating to evolution, which must be a major part or the design in the creation process. On the other hand, it reinforces the claim of religious thinkers that the "near" perfection of the creation of the entire living system must be the work of a "nearly" almighty creator.

From a practical sense, the belief in self-creation can have many important benefits without ill side effects. For example, Post-Science Medicine is based on self-creation and claims that our medicines have been created with our foods, without which mankind would not be able to survive. Also, self-creation would suggest a stable, rather than an unpredictable, earth and its environment. The current environmental studies should be based on these fundamental beliefs. For example, mankind should not change the current environment, before it has a full understanding of the creation, if it believes that it is stable, but should thoroughly analyze the effect of the changes, such as by an infinite spreadsheet, exemplified by the Infinite Spreadsheet of Post-Science Institute, if it believes that the earth and the entire living system exist as a result of pure chance and that natural changes can only come from evolution or chance. Current researchers on environmental study seems to be mostly against change.

Self-creation is based on the technology of complete automation, and the goal of complete automation is to self-create the living system. Complete automation starts with the construction of Self-manufactured General Purpose Robots with the ability of touch. The Robots will be programmed with completely automated software.

The solution to touch is first revealed in the 1978 book "Table Tennis Scientific Analyses" which describe the prolonged contact between a book and a racket during impact. The solution to touch, patents "Completely Automated And Self-generating Software System" Pat. No. 5,485,601 in 1996, and "Quantitative Supply And Demand Model Based On Infinite Spreadsheet" Pat. No. 6,078,901 in 2000 form the foundation for complete automation.

The vision of self-creation is guided and guaranteed by the existing living system. DNA is the ultimate completely automated software in a chemical computer. Humans represent the optimal model of Self-manufactured General Purpose Robots.

All the engineering creations of the current scientific culture are created for temporary existence. In particular, software are partially automated and designed for temporary existence. Complete automation deals with permanent entities and analysis extending to infinity in time and space. Our society will become increasingly complex. Complete automation is the solution to unlimited complexity.

Rational decision-making based on the Infinite Spreadsheet is also the solution to peace, based on rational arbitration. The bulk of current software budget is on maintenance, which can be greatly reduced by the completely automated software. The goal of self-creation narrows down the choices of technologies we should develop. The vision of complete automation should be one of the most important breakthroughs in the coming knowledge economy.

The technology of complete automation includes the solutions of software, value, and touch based on jumpulse. The Complete Automation Laboratory is headed by Dr. T. L. Kunii (homotopy theory), Prof. C. V. Ramamoorthy (Ram Number of Universal Permanent Numbers), Dr. Hugh Ching (the Infinite Spreadsheet and completely automated software), and the late Dr. Ta-You Wu (Father of Chinese Physics).

The Laboratory is formed to introduce the concepts of complete automation and permanence to the world, which is currently dominated by the scientific views of temporary creations and partial automation. The Laboratory hopes to move the world from the destructive knowledge of science to the constructive knowledge of post-science. It also hopes that cooperation will replace competition, which is necessary in determining right from wrong only in the absence of the solution to value.

The belief of self-creation will put life science at center-stage of knowledge. Science uses past phenomena to predict the future and is, therefore, backward looking. Social science is based on value, which depends on future consequences. Social science has to be forward looking. Life science deals with creation and sees the world from the point of view of the creator.

Most traditional religions are preoccupied with social science and the struggle between good and evil. If the living system is created, it should be all created for good purposes. While religions try to eradicate evil, self-creationism considers evil an important part of creation. From the point of view of life science, evil is created as a survival mechanism for the weak to compete against the strong. Without this survival mechanism, a large part of creatures will perish. Most wars are justified on the principle of the struggle against evil. The elimination of this justification will greatly enhance peace and will allow the rational method of arbitration to replace armed conflicts. With peace, mankind can start to embark on the path of constructive development of our world.

5. Permanent Life Extension

Science deals with finite life extension, and post-science will be dealing with infinite life extension based on its discovery of Universal Permanent Software, of which DNA is a prime example.

Today, most human action is based on a finite life, but post-science planning is based on an infinite life. Which belief is correct? For some unknown reason, post-science discoveries seem to be related to infinity and permanence. One last gap, actually the foundation between science and post-science, is the existence of life: finite or infinite?

Nature only intends DNA to be infinite; biological life is finite. It starts to appear to me that each biological life is an experimentation of a distinct DNA associated with the DNA combination from the two parents. What is the purpose of the experimentation? If the test shows that the life is useful in the future, the DNA can be cloned in the future to serve again and again, if the DNA is sequenced and saved in a CD. Of course, the rich people can do it for themselves (another project for our incubation center?) If the vision of permanent life extension is correct, which is similar to the visions of teleportation and the project of early brain development, Permanent Life Extension should be seriously considered both philosophically and technically. It is really a thinking project, as much or more than a technical project. The vision will have the instant benefit in reducing the practice of evil, which will be a permanent mark, not be erased by death, if one wants to live permanently. The 700 years of the Ching family history, which culminates in the discovery of permanent life extension has placing a burden on the future family members to behave properly. For selfish purposes, post-science can use several Ta-You Wu or Newton to further the research in jumpulse.

6. Post-science Scenario of Permanent Existence

Biotic ethics deals with the propagation of life. The panbiotic ethics deals with the propagation of DNA through the infinite space. One of the most likely scenarioes of panbioethics is direct panspermia, which has been extensively studied since Francis Crick popularized the concept. However, the main problem of permanent existence is the design of the living system. Extending science into post-science is just the start of the design. Post-science attempts to offer a vision of the next two thousand years (See the web site Fuzzy logic of Lotfi Zadeh by oberving reality and analyzing it with logic has pushed the vision of post-science beyond the 2000 years. The complete scenario of permanent existence is
(1) Self-Manufactured General Purpose Robot with the ability of touch, developed and controlled by the completely automated software, and analyzed by the infinite spreadsheet.
(2) The Robot will be develoed into the human, and the software, into DNA.
(3) By the end of the next 2000 years, the Robot will only be a exact machine and will embark on a million-years development project of fuzzification in order to be able to adjust to all the future possible environments.
(4) The total age of human existence on earth can be expected to be about 1 billion years, within which the plan has to be carried out.
(5) The search of habitable solar system should be a major part of the plan.
(6) The way to implement the habitable solar system should be completely mapped out.
(6) The wisdom of the universe is stored in the Universal Permanent Software of DNA.
(7) Within the life of the habitable planet, the living system must self-create and improve upon itself.

7. The Logic and Illusion of Life

One of basis of the above vision is stated in the book Knowledge where the logic or the illusion of life is discussed. It claims that life span only exists between unconsciousness or sleeps, just several hours. If a person is killed during sleep and an exact duplicate is made with the same looks and mind, the world, the person, etc. will not be any different.

8. Freedom vs. Constraints

We should find the constraints before we exercise our freedom. For example, engineering designs are constrained by non-violable laws of nature in science, and we are not allowed to pay arbitrary prices because if we set the price, non-violable mathematical relationship between the price and the rate of return will determine the rate of return, which, when too low, causes financial crises. Even in life science, all creations are designed for permanent existence or, otherwise, the creations will be worthless sooner or later. Life or computer science is constrained by the condition of permanence. Therefore, before we exercise our freedom in designing a system, we should find out the related constraints on our design. Post-science is currently busily discovering and warning our society of the constraints on the design of machines, on our behavior, and on the design of permanent entities.

It has been speculated based on fuzzy logic that freedom is an illusion of the fuzziness in social science, as there is no freedom in science in observing the laws of nature in social science.

Many free designs without observing the constraints can add burden to satisfying the non-violable constraints or the requirement of permanence. For example, the US tax law allowing a constant maximum $25,000 tax deduction violates the requirement of consideration to time infinity in the value calculation. The problem with software design is far more prevalent. Many systems designed to improve speed of execution and the saving of computing resources could cause problem for satisfying the requirement of permanence. One of the stark examples is the English-like computer source codes, which have provided temporary user-friendliness, but have made auto-updating impossible.

As post-science is thousands of years ahead of science, the technology of the living system is billions of years ahead of post-science. In the first two thousand years of recorded history, religion, which serves to prevent mankind from its self-destruction, is probably more important than science, which provides mankind with the ability of its total self-annihilation. Science, which deals with phenomena of finite duration, up to now has little appreciation for the technology of the living system, which is permanent and infinite. Post-science will at least make a connection between the human engineering and the living technology. Once this connection is made, mankind can just start to copy what have been discovered by its creators; it would be unlikely in the foreseeable that human technology can surpass or even imagine beyond creational technology. Post-science envisions a far more bright future than what science has presented to mankind, a world without rational judgment, but with the potential of self-destruction.

In conclusion, freedom should only be exercised within the limit of freedom. Therefore, before we let our imagination run wild, we need to discover all the limits to our freedom. The Age of Science of the past five centuries has demonstrated the existence of non-violable laws of nature in physical science. The coming Age of Social Science in the next five hundred years will replace competition, which is the engine of progress in the absence of rational method of arbitration, with rational arbitration based on the solution of value. Post-science can extend human civilization to the Age of Life Science, when living technology will replace non-living technology, and to the Age of Robotics, when self-manufactured robots with the ability of touch will replace all human physical labor, as machine has replaced all animal labor in the Industry Revolution. Finally, the Age of Self-Creation will connect mankind to its creators and will allow mankind to participate and contribute to the infinite wisdom of the universe, which is accumulated from the infinite past and stored in DNA, the ultimate Universal Permanent Software.

9. Earth Is A DNA Farm

The earth could be a DNA farm where a DNA is tested in the form of a human life. The most valuable DNAs can be preserved, and their lives can be recorded for future references. DNA is likely the most valuable property of the universe because it stores the accumulated wisdom of the universe from the infinite past. The NDA farmers are humans, who represent just a part of the collective wisdom of the universe.

The most practical point here is that we should live our lives with knowledge, ability, class, and style so that our DNAs in the eyes of our creators or even our fellow humans are worth preserving for future rebirth. There is no way of knowing how a DNA will pen out without having it expressed in a full human life. However, up to now there are very few DNAs worth preserving. There are some DNAs of people, who live such as low lives that they need to be terminated before their first natural lives. These are the people who receive capital punishment, which is not really necessary in view of the potential for permanent life extension. Most people would agree that it would be interesting to have preserved the DNAs of, say, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, Confucius, Isaac Newton, Ta-You Wu, etc.

The concept that the earth is a DNA farm answers one of the time-long mysteries that many most valuable humans tend not to have offspring. Sex reproduction is really a primitive method of procreation. In a mature period of human civilization, humans will be identified by their DNAs, which will be reborn in the form of human lives to infinity in time, if the values of the DNAs still exist. Random reproduction creates new identities, which is needed to increase the chances of finding worthy DNAs. One of the immediate benefits of the concept of permanent life extension is to discourage the misconception of finite life. When people realize that they can have permanent lives, they will less likely to depend on death as the final release from the crimes they commit during their live times.

The way that a permanent live operates is to have the new born baby be educated by the recorded knowledge of its previous human live. The educational process should be concluded roughly by the age of 12. The new child will carry on what is left by the previous live, with, hopefully, equal or greater ability. One of the greatest tragedies today when people live finite lives is that some of the most advanced knowledge is lost with the death of the only person who can understand the knowledge.

DNA preservation is already a popular, but not quite perfected, art or business, at about $100 per DNA. The rebirth of humans of the same DNAs will be a coming technology, which will probably mature far before there are a sufficient number of people worthy of being recreated. In any case, the entire process can be expected to have such an enormous important consequence that it should definitely be guided by a rational planning system based on the solution of value. The Age of Life Science should come after the Age of Social Science.

Furthermore, life science should be recognized as the documentation of DNA. The documentation of DNA is based on the discovery of Universal Permanent Software, of which DNA is a prime example. Mankind should have sufficient understanding of DNA through its documentation before it embarks on the very complex process of genetically manipulating DNA.

10. The Concept of God

The concpet of God is not in conflict with the concept of Self-creation. The exact correspondance is that God is the creators of the existing generation of the living system. The creation is based on a perfect plan for the existence of the living system for a period sufficient to self-create. For example, in a billion years or so, the creators from mankind will be God of the living system which they create. The design of the creation will start with self-creation and will be modified to fit the environment in which the created will exist. There will always be an unlimited amount of improvement to be done, but, at least, all the possibilities or scenarioes should be considered. For example, the destiny of the current mankind is in the hand of its creators; there is nothing we can do to change it. Good or bad, mankind is carrying out the plan of its creators. The time to make change is when it is mankind's turn to create. From the design specifications, mankind will know the meaning of its life and the purpose of its existence.
Future Speculation: The human brain power can be increased potentially up to 50% to 100%, to bring humans closer to their creators in intelligence, by keeping as much as possible brain cells alive at birth with trophic factors, which are proteins that promote the survival, growth, and function of neurons in the brain and generate signals to keep brain cells alive. Researchers are experimenting on preemies at, for example, University of California, San Diego and Stanford University.

Post-Science Institute Members

Second Swimming Session

Toy Dancing Doll and Little Puppy with Infinite and Jumpulse

The Jumpulse Dance

"Just Dance" Jumpulse Dance at Pearl, San Jose, May 2009

Click Here For "Just Dance" by Lady GaGa

"Push It" Jumpulse Dance at Zen Mt. View June 2009

Click Here For "Push It" by Salt n Pepper

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